What are you fishing for?

Fishers of Men

Is true faith really a personal matter that is not open to discussion? If so, then why do Christians often feel they must “share” their faith with others? These questions deserve honest answers. Since we are talking about authentic faith, then we should go to the source of our faith, the Bible, for answers.

For the Christian, who has encountered Jesus in a Biblical sense, there is a tangible awareness that disaster has been averted—his or her life has been set aright. The believer also engages in a transformative experience that family and friends can witness firsthand.

The number one reason Christians feel the need to evangelize is that they have experienced the New Life that God promises and want to share His goodness with others.

Second Reason: In the first few verses in the book of Romans, we find that God has put within every person’s heart a  desire to know Him. God also gives us a need to worship. In other words, we are “wired” to seek Him and to worship Him once we find Him. God gives us everything we need to be in a relationship with Him, if we will only try. Nothing outside of a restored relationship with God will satisfy these two innate desires. If we choose to worship anything other than God, we will unwittingly worship His creation—people, places, or things. We will worship something, it’s just a matter of what we choose to worship, trying to satisfy that inward yearning. Knowing this should give every authentic Christian a compelling desire to “share the answer” when a family member or friend veers off track in his or her pursuit to satisfy those two longings.

Third Reason: We are commanded to. There are many scriptures that instruct Christians to share the story of redemption that God has provided through His Son, Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:20-21, says it this way: “…And He gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” NLT

Lastly, as Jesus’ disciples, He asks us to be fishers of men. Our response to that request comes in many forms, but His earnest desire is that we “fish for people” by loving them as He did. His love carries with it an eternal power that draws people to Him.

