The Journals of Sir John Francis Taylor
End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith
Volume 1 of the “His Story” Series – a Multi-Book Chronicle Only $14.99 USD
Now available as an ebook for $9.99
This Premiere Edition Introduces the “His Story” Chronicles — written by Grace Chloe Wheaton
My name is Grace Chloe Wheaton, and I have an incredible story to tell. No, a story I must tell. This first book, The Journals, tells how my great-great-grandfather’s, Sir John Francis Taylor, personal journals survived for over 90 years in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and how I discovered them. My great-great-grandfather’s journals provided me a priceless look into his life, prompting me to write the history of my family and the godly heritage that he bestowed to me.
Sir John Francis Taylor was a nineteenth-century missionary who sailed from England to the Far East as an evangelist, preacher, and Bible teacher. In the thirty years before his death, he made numerous voyages and many ports of call. All of his journeys were of long duration, often away from home three to five years at a time. The story I must tell is his story. As you read my account of his life, you will see that he was truly a modern-day Apostle Paul.
John Taylor’s first commissioned missionary expedition took place in the latter part of the 1870s when the Gospel of Christ forever changed the inhabitants of a remote Pacific island—the same island you will be introduced to in Chapter Twenty-Four. Through divine providence, these Christian converts then became the epicenter of evangelism in the South Pacific for decades to come. John Taylor’s great evangelistic successes led Queen Victoria to bestow him with knighthood to become Sir John Francis Taylor.
This volume concludes when my great-uncle Paiyan and I make a discovery that was difficult to believe. In 1896, my great-great-grandfather, Sir John Francis Taylor, spent six months in a valley village in the interior jungles of New Guinea. While he was there, German forces detained him. However, before leaving with them, John purposely left his seagoing chest with the village chief for safekeeping, fearing his life would soon end. That chest contained many significant items, but most importantly, it contained numerous leather-bound volumes—his personal journals. The sea chest was built to survive the harshest environments, so Paiyan and I found Sir John’s journals in near-perfect condition. As his living relative, I am extremely grateful that John Taylor faithfully detailed his life with near biographical dedication.
From reading my great-great-grandfather’s journals, which begin in 1865 with his acceptance of Christ, I now know that he had become one of the foremost evangelists of his era, leaving a twofold legacy. First, he is the spiritual father and grandfather to countless thousands of souls throughout the Far East, as well as the South Pacific; second, he is responsible for the godly heritage that my extended family and I enjoy today. Moreover, please notice the overarching biblical principle that emerges from this story—God blesses us generationally—godly ancestors providentially set apart their offspring, paving the way to find God and receive the abundant life He has reserved for every person. My life is completely blessed because my great-great-grandfather accepted Christ and chose to live faithfully for God, desiring to be consumed for His purposes.
This opening story of discovery, along with each subsequent volume, will bring you along on an exciting and adventurous journey full of intrigue and suspense. You will laugh, and you will cry. You will experience God’s faithfulness and sense the joy that comes from serving a wonderful, loving God. Biblical principles will come to life before your eyes as you read how Grace and her ancestral heritage portray the truthfulness of scripture. You will glorify God and be enriched as you read these remarkable stories of faith and family.
This highly acclaimed 2011 novel has been revised and re-released. This latest edition includes more detail via enhanced scene development. Be sure to search for the “revised” edition of 11-2019 to make sure you are buying the most recent release. Go to author’s page and shopping cart. Click here.
The Keys for John Francis Taylor
End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith
Volume 2 of the “His Story” Series – Only $14.99 USD
Now available as an ebook for $9.99
*Receiving 5 Star Reviews at AMAZON.COM
John Taylor was a young twenty-four-year-old aristocrat living in the countryside of London, England. The year was 1865. His life was turned upside down when he was involved in a horse riding accident. Much more change was in store for this spoiled son of a shipping magnate. His family lost its fortune, leaving him to navigate the work-a-day world of the commoner.
In the midst of these adverse events, John recognizes his need for God with the help of two great men of faith. John receives Christ as his Savior and wholehearted submits to the call that God has made known to him. He has to make many tough choices that quickly matures him, drawing him out of his former self-centered lifestyle.
One choice was that of courtship and engagement made in tandem with an equally difficult decision to leave on a thirteen-month missionary voyage that would take him to China and back. While on the ship, he was officially employed as a sailmaker. However, he was also responsible for administering Bible teaching and preaching aboard the ship using Charles Spurgeon’s sermons. Through intensive study of the Bible, John soon developed his own evangelistic style that was profoundly simple yet moving.
The Keys for John Francis Taylor is now available at
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Crucible for John Francis Taylor
End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith
Volume 3 of the “His Story” Series Only $14.99 US
Now available as an ebook for $9.99
*Receiving 5 Star Reviews at AMAZON.COM
In this third volume, John’s mentors, who represent his spiritual covering, are removed. He must depend on God alone as he navigates one crushing blow after another. The refiner’s fire is a valid and important part of the Christian’s walk that tests and solidifies the underlying profession of faith, making it rock solid as God honors those who lean on Him and do not lean on their own understanding.
The Crucible for John Francis Taylor is now available at .
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The Tent Maker who is John Francis Taylor
End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith
Volume 4 of the “His Story” Series – Only $14.99
Now available as an ebook for $9.99
*Receiving 5 Star Reviews at AMAZON.COM
After months of grieving the loss of his wife, John Francis Taylor finds his footing. John is determined to liberate the small countryside churches with his preaching. To do so, he naively seeks a preaching certificate at the Anglican School for Theological Studies at Cambridge, only to find utter rejection for his noble desires.
Through a blinding twist of irony, John is exiled from England and thrust onto the world stage—the destiny that God intended for him. John makes his way from one divine appointment to another when he meets a most unusual woman while traveling to Portugal. You will find yourself on the edge of your seat as John desperately tries to navigate his relationship with her while maintaining his honor.
Ultimately, John settles into a productive yet adventurous life of ministry that mirrors the Apostle Paul’s trials and successes found in the Book of Acts. Just as Apostle Paul chose to labor with his hands to support his ministry, John Taylor does as well to become known as the Tent Maker.
The Tent Maker who is John Francis Taylor is now available at
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Missionary who is John Francis Taylor
End Time Heroes Living First Century Faith
Volume 5 of the “His Story” Series Only $14.99 US
Soon available as an ebook for $9.99
Queen Victoria extradites John Taylor from his home in Lisbon Portugal and brings him back to England. The Queen had exiled John 10 years earlier and now she wanted to use him for a national endeavor. In the months and years before John was forced to leave Lisbon, he had been enjoying the fruits of his labors—bountiful increases of souls for God’s Kingdom.
Once back home in London, John answers his “call to duty” but under duress. He feels that he is being asked to compromise biblical standards and suffers harsh rebuke when he stands up for his convictions. Through divine orchestration, Queen Victoria discovers what it means to be Spirit-led. This breakthrough leads John to come to terms with his assignment to start an Anglican Church in Singapore.
With his missionary team assembled, John soon faced two personal dilemmas. He realizes that had slowly become self-important and that it had affected his relationship with God. And second, in recent years, he had suppressed his natural human desire for female companionship. His singleness and loneliness painfully resurfaced when two single women were assigned to his missionary support team.
The missionary team leaves for Singapore only to face subversion and chaos on the voyage. John then finds that Singapore is overrun with crime and vice, thinking he and his missionary team are a decade too late.
The Missionary who is John Francis Taylor is now available at .
MAN of GOD – Part 1
The Life and Times of Sir John Francis Taylor
The Early Years – 1865-1878
“MAN of GOD – Part 1″ is a fast-paced novel that will entertain and teach Christain values. 500+ pages of adventure with twists and turns that keep you wondering what will happen next.
“MAN of GOD – Part 1” is a compilation of volumes 2-4 of the His story chronicles. Enjoy the British, Victorian-era story of faith and family. Most importantly, you will find yourself growing in your faith alongside John Taylor as he relentlessly follows the Lord.
For more information or to purchase “MAN of GOD – Part 1,” click here.
“MAN of GOD – Part 2” is scheduled for completion in early 2024.